Since then, the simulation has received more than a million views. The scenario the group decided to test back in late 2019 was similar to today: Russia decided to invade Ukraine under the excuse that it is must defend Russian-speaking peoples that are being oppressed by Ukraines fascist government, Kazianis wrote in his March 4, 2022 piece. 221 Nassau St., 2nd Fl. Typically we build them based on one or two driving forces, and often produce several together for comparative purposes. Russia's war in Ukraine is at a dangerous tipping point | CNN The four-minute audiovisual piece called "Plan A", which was developed by researchers associated with Princeton University's Program on Science & Global Security (SGS), has seen renewed interest since Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Again, this is almost precisely what we are seeing on the ground in Ukraine on the wars fifth day. 80% 0. Over the holidays, stuck at home sick so just fell into not getting dressed. North Korea, Iran and China forming nuclear 'axis' of horror, Russia humiliated as military helicopters destroyed in strike. A Ran a U.S.-Russia War Simulation. The Result: Nuclear Holocaust Based on the wargames, a clash with Russia in the Baltic states would result in the rapid defeat of U.S. forces and their allies, Ochmanek told Fox News. The selected countries for comparison, Russia and Ukraine, are displayed below in side-by-side format.The Primary selection is displayed in Blue while the Secondary selection is displayed in Red.Go back to compare two other military powers. The video is sped up, obviously, and the invasion clearly would not happen as quickly as in the video. We speak to six young Russians about the devastating conflict, which has entered a second year. The Russian . An EU official also said China providing arms to Russia would be an absolute red line and lead to sanctions: Report. If Russia Invades Ukraine, Here's Who Would Win, Military - Insider As artifacts, they can appear in the form of playable materials (i.e., games) or as descriptions of a simulation being run. The ripple effects of Russia's war in Ukraine continue to change the world. The intent of these orders was to lure Russias 8th Combined Arms Army into expending vast amounts of resources hitting empty positions, as the Ukrainians would have already fallen back to the Dnieper River. He continued: There was a time when they simulated bombing runs on Denmark or coming down the Baltic Sea. Its aim is to highlight the "potentially catastrophic" consequences of a nuclear war between Russia and NATO. The consequences of a nuclear war for life on Earth would be "unimaginable", Glaser said. The meeting comes as the US annouced a new military aid including tactical bridges to move tanks and armoured vehicles. Both of these actions were, however, discussed by the players in the wargame. U.S. Makes Contingency Plans in Case Russia Uses Its Most Powerful Nine countries in the world possess nuclear weapons. And how has the war in Ukraine shifted things for the group? A Rout for Russia's Tanks: A three-week fight near the town of Vuhledar in southern Ukraine produced the biggest tank battle of the war so far, and a stinging setback for the Russians. This exercise helps to ensure that NATOs nuclear deterrent remains safe, secure and effective.. Putin also orders a massive cyber attack on the Baltic states military infrastructure, thinking that NATO will use the Baltics to stage an invasion of Russia. Our live coverage of Russia's war in Ukraine has moved here. 69% 18. Click 'COMPARE' to process the request. was a computer rendering from a combat flight simulator originally uploaded by a YouTube user with just 3,000 . If this wargame had been played at the Pentagon or the White House in the weeks leading up to the war, no strategist or policymaker would be shocked by any event so far seen in the war. A former Royal Air Force chief has warned a nuclear war is no longer unthinkable as Russia continues to escalate its assault on Ukraine. As the war continues, these people need our help and fast.Donate and Help: . Another difference was in the impact of the Russian air and missile campaign. Today's video presents a war simulation, which maps out a war between Russia and Ukraine. But, on the other hand, no one involved in this wargame has been much surprised by anything unfolding on the ground. It must now be dawning upon senior commanders and possibly even Putin that they have grossly miscalculated, and are now in violation of Clausewitzs most important dictum: The first, the supreme, the most far reaching act of judgement that the statesman and a commander have to make is to establish the kind of war on which they are embarking; neither mistaking it for, nor trying to turn it into, something that is alien to its nature. Research organization RAND has run dozens of wargames simulating major conflict scenarios in what it describes as Russia and Chinas backyards. The wargames suggest that the U.S. forces in those locations would get attacked by a vast array of both conventional and cyber weapons. STRATFOR created several scenarios describing different Russian invasion strategies: The reality looks most like Hold East Ukraine. Still, the impact of the wargames shaping fires was profound, as once the ground forces advanced, they had strong support from Russian airpower, now flying in uncontested skies. This four-minute audio-visual piece is based on independent assessments of current U.S. and Russian force postures, nuclear war plans, and nuclear weapons targets. Bandera is a matrix game, which is a kind of blend of tabletop and role-playing games. Indeed, it looks like the Biden administration took both simulations and scenarios seriously in their planning. I'm a huge history/geography fan, so if you're interested in those things aswell, this channel may be perfect for you! Princeton, NJ 08542, Princeton School of Public and International Affairs. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. The researcher notes that the key domains of warfare are contested from the start of hostilities. 72% 0. The wargame also generated substantial discussion of what to do with the five brigades Ukraine has in the western part of the country. This appears to be exactly what the Russian forces have been attempting in the first 96-hours of the war. In the actual conflict, there are recent reports of Ukrainian units moving off these lines suffering large losses, as the wargame predicted. The simulation culminated with Chinese missile strikes raining down on U.S. bases and warships in the region, and a lightning air and amphibious assault on the island of Taiwan. There are multiple objects that can be affected by your actions: Tanks . This is the first of all strategic questions and the most comprehensive. What Ukraine must figure out now is Russias likely next moves, as Putin concludes that his invasion is not going to be a modern day Anschluss. When @BryanAlexander is futuring about you, youd better start futuring yer own dang self! Russias plan was to conduct an even longer period of shaping, but the game was time-limited, forcing the players to begin ground operations earlier than they wished. I think this is at the small unit scale, but haven . Fact and Mythmaking Blend in Ukraine's Information War - The New York Crowd erupts in laughter at Russia's top diplomat after he claimed the Ukraine war 'was launched against us' An audience member shouted, "Come on!" . Read more about it in the, There are no more reviews that match the filters set above, Adjust the filters above to see other reviews. But as this is being written, even here the Russian initial advances toward Kyiv appear to have been stymied some miles north of the city. PLAN A. SGS developed a new simulation for a plausible escalating war between the United States and Russia using realistic nuclear force postures, targets and fatality estimates. Sun 13 Mar 2022 08.46 EDT Last modified on Sun 13 Mar 2022 10.42 EDT. Figure 4: Wargame Situation End of Game Day 3 Southern Front. There is a lot to compare here - attack aircraft, armored vehicles, surface-to-air missiles - but in general, Russia simply has more of everything. "A crisis like the one we are currently facing often results in miscommunication between parties, exacerbated by the fact that there remain very few active lines of communication between Russia and the U.S./NATO," said Glaser, who is an associate professor at Princeton's School of Public and International Affairs and Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. ET, November 22, 2022 Ukraine expresses outrage after Hungarian prime minister's scarf shows western Ukraine as part of . March 1, 2023, 1:37 a.m. Anyway, the scenario is relitively simple, but did take some time to make. The video is sped up, obviously, and the invasion clearly would not. In diverging from Western interpretations of the Russian way of war, the wargame closely mimicked what we mostly saw in the first few days of Russias actual military operations. In February 2020, the Pentagon announced that the US had launched a simulated nuclear strike against Russia. The Plan A simulation was originally prepared for an exhibition at Princeton's Bernstein Gallery in 2017 and was later made available to the public as a YouTube video in 2019. The Russians attacking out of the Crimea are already advancing on Mykolaiv, a distance of approximately 150 miles from their line of departure in Crimea. Multiple scenarios give us ways to see divergent possibilities. If Putin chooses to use a nuclear weapon, experts say he could end up being the master of his own demise. Are there other scenarios or simulations for this topic which you recommend? Much of the Ukrainian air force was destroyed on the ground as a result of Kalibr and Kh-101 cruise missile strikes, special operations-enabled targeting and direct action, and air strikes. "In addition to the immediate death and suffering and economic and societal collapse, in the years following the war, the phenomenon of nuclear winter would exacerbate the catastrophe," he said, pointing to one study which found that more than five billion people could eventually die from a nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia. Hopefully a war between . Is @BryanAlexander a wizard because he wrote about the possibility of a pandemic in 2018? Doomsday scenario: Simulation reveals nuclear war with Russia would Such a scenario would result in the deaths of millions of people around the world within hours. This year, the autumn military call-up in Russia lasts from October 1 to December 31; estimated 127,500 men are going to be drafted. In our simulation NATO members closer to Russia, such as Poland and Hungary, were particularly worried that military action in Ukraine would lead to a large number of refugees - with potentially . He added that since the late Noughties, Russia has increasingly exercised its nuclear forces, both with live forces and also with tabletop forces. Famous and foundational think tank RAND gamed a Russian attack on the Baltic nations. Russia hits European cities with nuclear weapons, drawing retaliation from NATO and the U.S. What is left is nothing short of an apocalypse, with what we estimate is billion people dead, Kazianis wrote about the result of the 2019 war simulation. Kramatorsk, Ukraine CNN . You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! Secondary targets were Ukraines dozens of BUK (SA-17) systems. More info. Image: Andrey Rudakov/Bloomberg. Also, this is my first video in a while without commentation. But as the conflict continues and Russian frustrations grow over their failure to rapidly collapse Ukrainian resistance, one can expect the Russians to revert to type and start employing their overwhelming superiority in artillery and airpower much more indiscriminately. The mapping scenario focuses on geography and the capturing of major cities, making it different from my usual videos. After an initial burst of interest in the video, the view count didn't increase much until late February 2022 when Russia invaded Ukraine and Putin made remarks alluding to the possible use of nuclear weapons, according to Glaser. Realizing that these forces were at high risk of envelopment and could not withstand an all-out assault by Russias 8thCombined Arms Army, the decision was made to withdraw to the Dnieper River, with the exception of the Ukrainian 92nd Mechanized Brigade plus parts of the 53rd and 54th Mechanized Brigades, which were sent to consolidate positions in and around Kharkiv. Still, their forces are greatly outnumbered, particularly in the air. Ukraine conflict: Russian forces attack from three sides The Wargame Before the War: Russia Attacks Ukraine I find scenarios help us think about futures usefully. Russia vs Ukraine war google map simulation 2022.Please don't take this simulation seriously, it is only for entertainment purposes. Militaries across the world frequently carry out exercises to practise the mechanics of nuclear warfare, but the results of such exercises are rarely publicised. Nuclear War Simulation - NATO vs Russia - YouTube The U.S., he explains, should not assume air and maritime superiority over the battlespace. The United States intends to replace its existing fleet of Minuteman III missiles which came into service in the early 1970s with a new . 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. How will the western sanction strategy impact Russia? On the fifth day of the war, we find a similar situation, with the Russian forces having flowed out of the Crimea into close to the same positions they occupied in the wargame, and with the same choices before them as we found in the wargame. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, According to Glaser, a global thermonuclear war on this scale could certainly be considered a "worst-case scenario", although the title of the video hints at the fact that the sequence of events shown is simply part of the standard playbook. At least six Ukrainian battalions were overrun, and the remainder endured serious losses to aerial interdiction en route to the Dnieper. Russia obtained complete victory within five days. A simulation may resemble a game, or be one, as with wargames or business simulations. The GFP country comparison form is provided to allow you to make direct, side-by-side comparisons of any two world powers represented in the GFP database. Have an amazing day!Music I May Have Used In The VideoFredji - Happy Life The 36-minute video ( here ) was . On the other side of the world, a Chinese invasion of Taiwan, while a massive military gamble for China, would also pose a huge challenge for U.S. forces in the area, according to Ochmanek. Also, as of yet, the Russians have not forced the Dnieper in the south, and the forces in the east, pushing forward north of Kharkiv, are still some distances from the Dnieper crossings. In another Russia successfully occupies Ukraine and the Baltic states, dealing NATO a major defeat. "It is estimated that there would be more than 90 million people dead and injured within the first few hours of the conflict," Glaser said. Prosecutors allege the Kansas men conspired to evade US export laws starting in 2020. On February 24, Russian forces began advancing into Ukrainian territory across several fronts, marking a major escalation in a conflict that started in 2014. In the final stage of the conflict, both Russia and NATO target the 30 most populated cities and economic centers of the other sideusing 5-10 nuclear warheads on each depending on population sizein an attempt to inhibit the potential for recovery. The war in Ukraine is fuelling a global . Putin joined Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko for a major military cooperation event on February 19, by which point over 100,000 Russian troops had massed along Russias Ukrainian border. Let us know in the comments section here. In the wargame, the main Russian ground offensive was purposely delayed, as the Russian players focused on several days of shaping fires aimed at destroying critical enemy capabilities before committing the bulk of their ground forces. In Ukraine Defender you control Ukrainian plane which can shoot and throw bombs at Russian Z forces, The game has built-in timer 500s after which the game ends . "I would not want to speculate how long it would take for humanity to recover," Glaser said. Thus, they have held back much of their overwhelming fires complex to avoid destroying significant amounts of infrastructure and killing too many of their Ukrainian brothers. This was the reasoning employed in the game, and most current reporting shows it was the thinking dominating the Kremlin. To view reviews within a date range, please click and drag a selection on a graph above or click on a specific bar. In a wartime scenario, Russian and Belarusian forces . ", "Of course, we had no access whatsoever to classified information and often used 'simple' rules when allocating weapons to targets.". We lost a lot of people, we lose a lot of equipment, we usually fail to achieve our objectives of preventing aggression by the adversary, Ochmanek added during the CNAS discussion. This ends up being the last straw for NATO, which then decides direct intervention in Ukraine is necessary to push back against Russian aggression, Kazianis wrote. Ukraine Vs Russia War Simulation - YouTube The idea is that the threat of a nuclear strike would force any opponent, in this case NATO, to return to the status quo. ARMA 3: Russian helicopters engaging with forces in Ukraine - YouTube New video: [Afghanistan] Subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with new uploads!Military simulationFollow us:ht. "The simulation was also supported by data sets of the nuclear weapons currently deployed, weapon yields, and possible targets for particular weapons, as well as the order of battle estimating which weapons go to which targets in which order in which phase of the war to show the evolution of the nuclear conflict. Legal Statement. Side-by-side comparison showcasing the relative conventional fighting strengths of Russia and Ukraine for the year 2023. The United Nations Refugee agency (UNHCR) protects and assists the refugees of this and all other conflicts worldwide. In total, across Europe, Asia, and the US the simulation says a total of 90 million people would be killed within the first few hours of conflict and that number does not include deaths from nuclear fallout or other long-term . Approximately 90 percent of all nuclear warheads are owned by Russia and the United States, who each have around 4,000 warheads in their military stockpiles; no other nuclear-armed state sees a need for more than a few hundred nuclear weapons for national security, the FAS notes. 6:30 p.m. Players take up the roles of Russia, the Ukrainian government, Ukrainian Separatists, the USA, and the European Union. Russia-Ukraine War. But the game differed in several major aspects from what most analysts expected prior to the war. A Foreign Affairs article offers a range of outcomes following Russian success in Ukraine. Simulations can also shed light on difficult and emergent decisions, as well as surprising us as the future often can. If you enjoyed the video, drop a LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for more.Join my discord server: me on Patreon: OFFICIAL VERSION FOR COMPUTER - just the last seven days, one million people have fled Ukraine because of the pointless war waged by the Russian Federation. In fact, news reports indicate that is already happening. The nuclear exchange quickly escalates in Europe with Russia sending 300 warheads via aircraft and short-range missiles to hit NATO bases and advancing troops. Simulations place people or bots in decision-making roles, in the middle of scenarios, if you will, and show us branching possibilities. Once again, the wargame matched actual Russian moves with uncanny accuracy. Nesterivka, Ukraine. It is therefore noteworthy that aside from Anonymous declaring cyber war on Russia, there is very little public reporting of actual cyberattacks by either side. These same concerns appear to be driving the Ukrainians in the real fight. But it was almost the precise course of action the Russians undertook in the wargame. More bad things happen, and a NATO move surprises everyone. Putin and Lukashenko attended nuclear drills just before Russia invaded Ukraine. While many observers were surprised by the Russian approach, it was the course of action chosen by the Russian player in the game. Russia using claims about Ukrainian nuclear weapons to justify invasion, UK says. A journalist who formerly worked in Manila, he's a proud new Canadian. Sign in to add your own tags to this product. NATO then retaliates with a single, tactical, nuclear air strike. This was a controversial move that achieved limited tactical results. American space assets could also face attacks, while U.S. command and control systems could be targeted by electromagnetic and cyber weapons. A Bloomberg column considers three scenarios, Looking Back and Looking Forward Are We Ready for This? Set against this backdrop, U.S. military outposts and aircraft carriers in the contested regions could face a potential devastating barrage of missiles. One must be very careful when using a wargame for predictive purposes. They send salvos that are so great that we cannot intercept all the missiles, Ochmanek said. He explained: If youre trying to deter an adversary, what you might do is reveal the fact that youve been simulating you fight them because that is part of your deterrence. To Matt I'm sorry, and I' Facebook comments not loading? International Atomic Energy Agency in 24/7 response mode after fire at site of Ukrainian nuclear power plant, Vladimir Putin puts Russian nuclear forces on high alert, Noam Chomsky calls on Justin Trudeau to sign January 22's UN Nuclear Ban Treaty, Georgia Straight guide to the 34th annual Dancing on the Edge festival, Education: Upgrade your skills for a dramatically new world. In the actual conflict, Russias attempt at a rapid move to Kyiv aiming to decapitate the government appears to have backfired. People have been creating scenarios and simulations of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict since it began in 2014, as well as some predating that time. More than 90 million people would be killed or injured in a nuclear war between the US and Russia if a conventional conflict went too far, according to a new simulation created by researchers. Consequently, throughout the wargame, these headquarters remained functional and effective, as the Russians focused much of their available long-range strikes on gaining air dominance. [F]uturist and higher-ed guru Bryan Alexander. According to research organization RAND, should a major conflict arise in Russia and China's 'backyards,' US forces would be crushed by a vast array of both conventional and cyber weapons. In the simulation, Ukraine does not give up so easily, just like in real life today. Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as ignored. The result . | Rob Reynolds. One of us ran the wargame while the others played the Ukrainian and . In terms of computer wargames, Operational Art of War IV apparently has some levels displaying Russian and Ukrainian armies at war. Staff writer Carlito Pablo lives in Vancouver. "The actual fatalities would be significantly increased by deaths occurring from the collapse of medical systems, as well as nuclear fallout and other long-term effects, including a possible global-scale nuclear winter.". Editors note: Dont miss our comprehensiveguide to Russias war against Ukraine. Ukraine in maps: Tracking the war with Russia - BBC News
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