It seems the developers mashed together the Patchett prototype with later production Sterling L2A3/Mk4s. The shotgun was originally produced by the J Stevens Arms & Tool Company from 1909 to 1916 after Browning sold them the patent. Stevens shotguns are available in 12 gauge size as long-barreled sporting guns or short-barreled security and law enforcement arms. 1 - Incomplete: Missing most of the main kit components. But the condition concerns me. the best quality but was obviously done by a human artisan! It does not include a rib but does come with a golden front dot sight. Stevens 520 pump. Whats it worth???? - The Firearms Forum Stevens Model 520/620 - Wikipedia $2.50. Exact markings are " M 520 US". The smooth-top, single hump gun doesw appear in the 1951 Savage/Stevens/Fox parts catalogue as the Model 520A -- . $145.00. No purchase necessary. For Stevens and Ithaca slide the attachment on the barrel until the end of bayonet lug (round stud that the bayonet ring slides over) is even with the muzzle end of the barrel. The "riot gun" is a standard derivative without the bayonet lugs and shortened barrel. It's even better when you get to use it as it was intended. Parts For Antique Guns, LLC 1101 Anderson Rd Statesboro, GA 30458. That shorter barrel length, combined with . Add to cart. ***, INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR BAYONET ATTACHMENT Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, State Agency: Stevens 12 gauge shotgun | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values $170.00. Semi-Finished Walnut . Check out my video examining the new imagery below: Here over the the TAB website to read my more detailed breakdown here. All steel construction. Purchase A PDF Download Of The GUNS Magazine January 2020 Issue Now! Celebrating and maintaining Americas heritage. All parts are copied from original ones and are fitted to our original guns before shipment. Mon-Fri: 10:00am 4:00pmSaturday & Sunday: Closed. After World War One the short configuration of the weapon became popular with American police departments and security firms. Stevens Model 520 trench gun questions - Each US infantry division was issued with 50-100 Trench Guns when they were shipped to Europe. Following on from our look at the weapons in the first trailer for Activisions upcoming installment of the Call of Duty series, lets take a look at what the trailer released for E3 has to offer. Eligible for FREE . Civilian Winchester 1897 Shotgun with a 30-inch barrel (source). MODEL 520 New and Used Price, Value, & Trends 2023 Stevens 520-30s in original, period-correct riot configurations often sell for a thousand dollars or more. Product #: PDF0449 Part Key: 0. 24.95. 47.5" overall. Stevens Butt Plates Made By NC Ordnance (I) Giveaway ends December 31, 2022. Stevens Model 520 & 620 Shotgun Disassembly - YouTube Comes with 3 attachment screws, sling swivel and brass bead sight. *Caliber, Barrel Length, Generations, Sub Models may all affect item price. Browning, 05/12/1906, (source), War Department Technical Manual, Shotguns, All Types, Sept. 1942 TM 9-285, (source). Savage Stevens Shotgun Parts | Old Arms of Idaho, LLC Blued, Barrel, 16 Ga., 28", Full Choke, Solid Vent Rib, Used, Barrel, 20 Ga., 22-1/4", Adjustable Choke, Used, Barrel, 20 Ga., 26", Full Choke, Blued, New Factory Original (2-3/4" Chamber), Barrel, 20 Ga., 28", 2 3/4", Adjustable Poly Choke, Markings Vary, Used, Barrel, 20 Ga., 28", Full Choke, Blued, New Factory Original (2-3/4" Chamber), Barrel, 20 Ga., 28", w/ Compensator & Adj Savage Super Choke (2-3/4" Chamber), Bead Sight, White, New (.130" Diameter, 3-56 Threads; Threads Up To Base), Breech Block Assembly, Complete, 12 Ga., Used Factory Original, Hammer Spacer Collar, Used Factory Original, Inertia Block Retaining Screw, Used Factory Original, Inertia Block Spring, Used Factory Original, Lifter Assembly, 12 Ga., Complete, Used Factory Original, Lifter Assembly, 16 Ga., Complete, Used Factory Original, Operating Handle Bar Rivet, New Factory Original, Slide Assembly, 12 & 16 Ga., Used Factory Original (w/ Plunger & Spring), Slide Assembly, 12 & 16 Ga., Used Fact (w/ Bridge; No Hole For Plunger & Spring), Slide Assembly, 20 Ga., Used Factory Original (w/ Plunger & Spring), Slide Lock Assembly, Complete, Used Factory Original. As might be imagined from a Browning design, the Stevens 520 runs like a top. The relative lack of attention given to this shotgun is also a little unusual considering Stevens produced a few hundred thousand of the guns in multiple variations from 1909 all the way up through 1948. Savage Stevens Model 520/620 Barrel | 12 Gauge You are considering a vintage Savage Stevens Model 520/620 Barrel chambered for 12 gauge 2.75-inch shotshells. The MP44 was absent from the first trailer we examined but appears several times in this new one. Stevens offered the Model 502 in various gauges, including 12, 16 and 20 gauge during its production run. They want $279 for it. Such examples of these 520s include the Ranger Model 30 for Sears, the Western Field Model 30 for Montgomery Ward, the Riverside Arms Model 520 and the J.C. Higgins 102.25. Truly a rose by any other name! (I) Giveaway ends April 30, 2023. How to field strip a Stevens Model 520 - 620 shotgun - YouTube 35.00. Save this search to receive email alerts and notifications when new items are available. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. And, despite the 520s weight, I found recoil to be stout. Website by Hudson, This product is no longer available, however, Stevens 520, 520A, 620, 620A Parts Layout w/ List, Lifter, 12 & 16 Ga., Used Factory Original, Lifter Pawl, 12 & 16 Ga., Used Factory Original, Lifter Pawl, 20 Ga., Used Factory Original, Locking Bolt, 12 Ga., Used Factory Original, Slide, 12 & 16 Ga., Used Factory Original (No Hole for Plunger & Spring), Slide, 12 Ga. (Has Hole For Plunger & Spring), Slide, 20 Ga. (Has Hole For Plunger & Spring), Slide Lock, Old Style, Used Factory Original, Slide Lock, Used Factory Original (1st Style), Breech Block Assembly, 12 Ga., Used Factory Original, Extractor Spring, Left, Used Factory Original, Extractor Spring, Right, New Factory Original, Extractor Spring, Right, Used Factory Original, Firing Pin, Old Style, Used Factory Original, Hammer Pin, 12 & 16 Ga., New Factory Original, Hammer Pin, 12 & 16 Ga., Used Factory Original, Hammer Pin, 20 Ga., Used Factory Original, Lifter Spring, Old Style, Used Factory Original, Magazine Follower, 12 Ga., Metal, Used Factory Original, Magazine Follower, 16 Ga., New Factory Original, Magazine Follower, 16 Ga., Used Factory Original, Magazine Follower, 20 Ga., Metal, Used Factory Original, Magazine Plug, 12 Ga., Used Factory Original, Magazine Plug, 16 Ga., Used Factory Original, Magazine Follower Spring, 12 Ga., New Reproduction (Fitting Req'd), Magazine Spring, 16 & 20 Ga., New Reproduction (Fitting Req'd), Ejector Screw, New Factory Original (Threaded 5-40), Ejector Screw, New Factory Original (Threaded 5-48), Cartridge Stop Screw, New Factory Original (2 Req'd), Lifter Pawl Spring, Used Factory Original, Trigger Guard Pin, 20 Ga., Used Factory Original, Trigger Guard Screw, 12 & 16 Ga., New Factory Original, Trigger Guard Screw, 20 Ga., New Factory Original, Firing Pin Stop Pin, 12 Ga., .83" OAL, New, Lifter Pawl Plunger, New Factory Original, Lifter Pawl Plunger, Used Factory Original, Magazine Nut, 12 Ga., Used Factory Original, Magazine Plug Screw, 12 Ga., 12-40 TPI New, Magazine Tube, 12 & 16 Ga., New Factory Original, Magazine Tube, 12 & 16 Ga., Used Factory Original, Magazine Tube, 20 Ga., Used Factory Original, Operating Handle Bar Collar, Front, 12 Ga., New Factory Original, Operating Handle Collar, 16 Ga., Rear, Used Factory Original (ID 1.01"), Forend, 12 Ga., Checkered, Used Factory Original (Wood Only), Forend, 12 Ga., Plain Walnut, New Factory Original, Forend, 12 Ga., Walnut, 16-Groove, New Factory Original, Forend, 20 Ga., Checkered, Used Factory Original, Operating Handle Bar Assembly, 12 Ga., Original, Sear & Slide Lock Pin, Used Factory Original, Slide Lock Release Button, Used Factory Original, Slide Lock Release Spring, New Reproduction, Breech Block Retaining Screw, Used Factory Original, Lifter Screw, 12 Ga., Used Factory Original (2 Req'd), Lifter Screw, 20 Ga., Used Factory Original, Operating Handle Bar, 12 Ga., Used Factory Original, Slide Lock Release, Late Style, New Factory Original, Slide Lock Release, Late Style, Used Factory Original, Slide Lock Release, Used Factory Original, Buttplate, New Reproduction (5" x 1-11/16"; Fitting Req'd), Buttplate Screw, New Factory Original (2 Req'd), Buttplate Screw, New Reproduction (2 Req'd), Trigger Guard Assembly, 12 Ga., Old Style, Used Factory Original, Trigger Guard, 12 Ga., 1st Style, Used Fact Orig (Plate w/ Slide Lock Groove), Trigger Guard, 12 Ga., Late Model, Used Factory Original (w/ Crossbolt Safety), Trigger Guard, 12 Ga., Old Style, Used Factory Original, Trigger Guard, 20 Ga., Late Model, Used Factory Original (w/ Crossbolt Safety), Trigger Guard, 20 Ga., Old Style, Used Factory Original, Safety Plunger Spring, Used Factory Original, Hammer Assembly, Complete, Used Factory Original, Hammer Assembly, Old Style (w/ Integral Bushing & Roller), Used Fact Orig, Hammer, Stripped, Old Style, Used Factory Original (w/ Integral Bushing), Stock, Oil Finished Walnut, New Reproduction (w/ Buttplate; 3-1/4" Tang), Barrel Lug (For All Series & Gauges On These Non-Takedown Models), Barrel, 12 Ga., 19", Improved Choke, Used, Barrel, 12 Ga., 19-1/2", Improved Choke, Used, Barrel, 12 Ga., 19-3/4", Improved Choke, Used, Barrel, 12 Ga., 20", 2-3/4" Chamber, Factory Original, New Condition. I started with building a spread sheet, it's also a work in progress. Post updated with some more pictures that show and describe the design changes. Add to My Saved Parts. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. 226 Williams Ln. From the guns inception, Stevens offered the 520 with two standard, full-choked barrel lengths: 28 and 30. The classic Stevens 520 though sharp-eyed readers will note Claytons gun is actually a Stevens Model 520 Parts Kit. Unless otherwise indicated, is not affiliated or endorsed by manufacturers of parts sold on this site. and given the bank vault construction of its forged steel receiver, this gun needs to be steered more than pointed. (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, State Agency: Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. Had the pleasure of working with RM Military History on his latest video about the Battle for Government House. Contest void where prohibited by law. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. The Browning-design take-down feature allows the 520 to be neatly separated into two halves. Ordnance bombs and other proofs. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. . Kingston, NY 12401, 2023 Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks. Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, State Agency: Two things conspired against the 520, nearly bringing it to deaths doorstep in the 1930s. Buttstock. AND FORENDS. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM February 2023, P.O. Stevens 22 Visible Loader Inner Magazine Replacement Tube Model 70 71. stevens 520 barrel for sale | eBay In the screen grab above you can also see how the bolt has the Sterlings helical grooves, something the early prototypes did not have. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, State Agency: This gave troops considerable close range firepower which was extremely effective in the close quarters of trench warfare. STEVENS ARMS CO., J. MISC105. We only work on guns manufactured prior to 1898 (black powder) and only on those models listed on this site. Find the Savage shotgun parts that you need to complete your repair today! Guns Listing ID: 87976Stevens 555 Trap model features a chrome-lined single barrel with three chokes & raised ventilated rib with bead sight. The 520 action is far slicker than one would expect, all the more surprising given its single action-bar. Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks & Tourism, Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, West Virginia Division of Natural Resources, Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, Rhode Island Department of Fish & Wildlife, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission, New York Department of Environmental Conservation, Mississippi Deptartment of Wildlife, Fisheries & Parks, Minnesota Deptartment of Natural Resources, Michigan Deptartment of Natural Resources, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries, Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources, Hawaii Department of Land & Natural Resources, Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Check it out below: You can find RM Military History over on twitter too. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. The 520 had been superseded by the Model 620, in the late 1920s, which was little more than a streamlined version of the 520. A distinctive or ungainly profile? J Stevens 225 S Double Barrel Trigger Plate. Originally, his shotgun was likely a J. Stevens Arms Company Model 94 12 Gauge Single-Shot Break-Open copy. No purchase necessary. Barrel Length: 18"-18.99" Calibers/ Gauges: 12 Gauge: The 'trench gun adapted the existing Riot modeladding a perforated steel heat shield around the barrel and a bayonet lug which allowed the then-standard M1917 bayonet to be fitted. Add to WishList. Making sure that the leg of the bayonet attachment is lined up with the trigger guard (centered) scribe 3 marks in the bottom of the barrel by inserting a small rat tail file in each of the 3 screw mounting holes. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: I was able to purchase mine, tagged only as a Ranger 12ga for $150 in 2019 dollars. The Stevens Model 520 is an American pump-action shotgun designed by John Browning (note the distinct "hump" in the receiver, not unlike that of the Browning Auto-5 ). (II) Limit one (1) entry per household; multiple entries will disqualify entrants. Add to Wishlist. Stevens intended the 620 to compete with contemporary streamlined designs like the Winchester Model 1912 and Remington Model 10. Robert Register . It is unclear if the M10 saw action during World War One as the vast majority of the shotguns issued to US troops in France were M97 Trench Guns. The patent caught the interest of the J. Stevens Arms and Tool Company, as they knew slide-actuated repeating shotguns were becoming hot stuff at the dawn of the 20th century. For Winchester 97 only, remove the clamp that holds the magazine tube and the barrel together (this clamp will no longer be used). American, 1st half-20th century. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. Stevens produced 35,306 shotguns for the military during the war, of which 12,174 were M620As. Production of the 520a single-humped guns (520-30s) began in 1940-41 (replacing the double-humped guns) and is finally discontinued in 1946-47 (any idea when sub-gauge 520a production began/ended?). The 12 month average price is $521.34 used. Stevens Shotgun 16 gauge | Pricing Guides Dictionary & Values All pretense of historical firearms accuracy is abandoned in this scene showing US troops from various units riding in the back of a truck. Alabama Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. During a discussion over on the HF Twitter page, I was informed that the Sterling submachine gun was apparently released as a DLC weapon in Call of Duty WW2. Stevens stocks - Gunstocks, Inc As always if you have any questions, suggestions feel free to send me a message here. The Model 520 had a unique take-down barrel and locking breech block system which, once the slide was opened, the magazine tube could be unscrewed which freed the receiver from the barrel and magazine assembly. Production of the the Model 10 began in 1908 and ran through to 1929 with approximately 275,000 made. Barrel Lug (For All Series & Gauges On These Non-Takedown Models) Product #: 329650A Part Key: NI. It is perfect for your conversion project as well. Identical to the 520 internally, it differed only by virtue of a more modern, rounded profile to the receiver. Trying to force the screw can strip it and or damage the threads in the attachment. A US soldier with an M1 Garand bayonets a German defender, note hisextra bayonet on his pack. Michigan Deptartment of Natural Resources, State Agency: STEVENS ARMS CO., J. - Gun Digest (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. The demand of new STEVENS 520 shotgun's has not changed over the past 12 months. Guns were produced with Stevens rollmarks prior to 1929. Production of the double-humped guns continued (with some evolving modifications), but only as Riverside, Western Field and Ranger Model 30s until 1940-41. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. WARNING: Products sold on this site may contain chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. Stevens 315 Double Barrel Shotgun ; Stevens 335 Double Barrel Shotgun ; Stevens 38A-58A-58AB-58B Repeating Bolt Action Shotgun, .410ga, clip-type magazine . The Sniper element of the game is introduced with a scene showing an American sniper shooting a German soldier with an M1903A4 as he crests a ridge. This model has some visible. There are some differences between the older 520s and the 620, such as the wider extractor cuts in the 620 barrel extension. Read the following instructions before purchasing. Alternatively it may be aVickers GO No.2 Mk.1 Land Service. Stevens produced a staggering number of 520s under different names, brands,
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