Authorizes the Attorney General to request any Federal agency to use its authorities and resources in support of State, tribal, and local assistance efforts. One of the most noted sections was the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Authorizes appropriations. The judge also did not refer to the swelling of plaintiff's nose, the facial scars extending from her right lower lip to her chin and from the corner of her right eye to her nose, or the scar on her elbow which is shaped like an inverted V. In fact, the judge did not make any findings of fact or conclusions of law, or provide any reason for his decision. Subtitle B: Youth Handgun Safety - Prohibits the possession of a handgun or ammunition by, or the private transfer of a handgun or ammunition to, a juvenile, with exceptions. TermsPrivacyDisclaimerCookiesDo Not Sell My Information, Begin typing to search, use arrow keys to navigate, use enter to select, Stay up-to-date with FindLaw's newsletter for legal professionals. Both Dr. D'Agostini and Dr. Tillis noted that, despite plaintiff's tendinitis, her shoulder did have a full range of motion. (Sec. 40604) Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) application requirements; (2) grant fund disbursement; and (3) technical assistance, training, and evaluations. Read More. Youve cast your vote. (Sec. 320917) Amends the Federal criminal code to: (1) extend the statute of limitations for arson; and (2) require that first time domestic violence offenders, if not sentenced to a term of imprisonment, be sentenced to probation, a condition of which is to be attend a court-approved rehabilitation program (requires the court to order as an explicit condition of supervised release that the defendant attend) if an approved program is readily available within a 50-mile radius of the defendant's legal residence. Specifically, the story follows Evdokia Kuznetsova, a female inmate of the Stalinist gulag who is handed over to. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) the showing by the victim required to obtain such an order; (2) follow-up testing; (3) termination of testing requirements; and (4) confidentiality, disclosure of test results, and contempt for disclosure. Chapter 2: Emerging Community Development Corporations - Establishes a program for emerging CDCs. (Sec. This hammer clause split is the most common version of the clause that we see. We need not determine whether this case presents sufficiently aggravated circumstances to entitle plaintiff to recover pain-and-suffering damages for her psychological disorder because we conclude that plaintiff failed to produce prima facie proof that her psychological disorder was substantial. Sets forth reporting requirements. Chapter 2: Law Enforcement and Prosecution Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women - Amends the Omnibus Act to authorize the Attorney General to make grants to States to assist States, Indian tribal governments, and local governments in developing and strengthening effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies to combat, and to develop and strengthen victim services in cases involving, violent crimes against women. Permits the use of such notice solely for law enforcement purposes. Sets penalties for violations. Concert History of Hammerjacks Baltimore, Maryland, United 1994. 230203) Allows up to five percent of a victim compensation or assistance program grant to be used for administrative costs. Authorizes appropriations. Instrumented hammers, combined with a Data Acquisition System and Software, provide a more complete representation of an impact than an individually-calculated value. Save Note. In Falcone, the trial court stated that to be a disfigurement a scar must impair[] or injure[] the beauty, symmetry, or appearance of a person or thing render[ing its bearer] unsightly, misshapen or imperfect, [or] deform[ing her] in some manner. Falcone, supra, 135 N.J.Super. In this New Jersey Tort Claims Act case, N.J.S.A. Sets forth provisions regarding the distribution and use of funds under this section. 20408) Amends the National Literacy Act of 1991 to authorize the Secretary of Education to convene and consult with a panel of experts in correctional education to: (1) develop measures for evaluating the effectiveness of the literacy programs funded; and (2) evaluate the effectiveness of such programs. at 292, 639 A.2d 1120. Permits an alien who is the child of a U.S. citizen of good moral character, who is eligible to be classified as an immediate relative, and who has resided in the United States with the citizen part to file a petition with the Attorney General for classification as an immediate relative if the alien demonstrates that: (1) he or she residing in the United States and during the period of residence with the citizen parent, the alien has been battered by, or has been the subject of extreme cruelty perpetrated by, the alien's citizen parent; and (2) he or she is a person whose deportation, in the opinion of the Attorney General, would result in extreme hardship to the alien. 320928) Revises the National Child Protection Act of 1993 to authorize a State to have in effect procedures that require qualified entities designated by the State to contact an authorized State agency to request a nationwide background check for the purpose of determining whether a provider has been convicted of a crime that bears upon the provider's fitness to have responsibility for the safety and well-being of children, the elderly, or individuals with disabilities. Title XIX: Federal Law Enforcement - Authorizes additional appropriations for: (1) the Federal judiciary; (2) DOJ; (3) the FBI; (4) U.S. (Sec. WebShown Here: Conference report filed in House (10/03/1984) (Conference report filed in House, H. Rept. Industrial, Commercial and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters (Boiler MACT) vacated on July 20, 2007. If youve visited a bill page on recently, you may have noticed a new study guide tab located just below the bill title. Requires that a determination that a person is or is not a sexually violent predator be made by the sentencing court after receiving a report by a State board composed of experts in the field of the behavior and treatment of sexual offenders. (Sec. Directs the court to order offenders to pay restitution to persons who sustained losses as a result of the fraudulent activity. But in 1994, according to The Washington Post, Michael turned the Hammer Museum over to the UCLA art department. 330025) Amends the Victims of Crime Act of 1984 to provide that an eligible crime victim compensation program is an eligible program under the Act if it is operated by a State and offers compensation to victims and survivors of victims of criminal violence for medical expenses attributable to a physical injury (including for mental health counseling and care), loss of wages attributable to a physical injury, and funeral expenses attributable to a death, resulting from a compensable crime. Specifies that, in such cases, the relief shall extend no further than necessary to remove the conditions that are causing the cruel and unusual punishment of the plaintiff inmate. (Sec. Title XVIII: Crimes Against Children - Subtitle A: Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act - Directs the Attorney General to establish guidelines for State programs that require a person who is: (1) convicted of a criminal offense against a minor or of a sexually violent offense to register a current address with a designated State LEA for a specified period; and (2) a sexually violent predator to register a current address with a designated State LEA. Authorizes appropriations. Plaintiff was taken to Morristown Memorial Hospital where she underwent immediate surgeries to repair a severe laceration of her left knee that had penetrated into the knee joint; a soft tissue laceration of the left elbow involving the olecranon bursa; a laceration of the iliotibial band, vastus lateralis muscle and suprapatellar bursa; and numerous facial lacerations, including a one-centimeter laceration near the tear duct of plaintiff's right eye, a 0.5-centimeter laceration over the bridge of her nose, and a laceration of the lower lip approximately three centimeters long. (Sec. (Sec. Copyright 2023, Thomson Reuters. 59:9-2(d). As part of the Clean Air Act (CAA) Amendments of 1990, Congress established a list of source categories and subcategories See N.J.S.A. Susan HAMMER and Alan Hammer, her husband, Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. TOWNSHIP OF LIVINGSTON and Craig D. Dufford, Defendants-Respondents. Hammer, Deion Sanders. Sets forth eligibility requirements. Requires such organizations, in providing such extracurricular and academic programs, to provide programs such as curriculum-based supervised educational, work force preparation, entrepreneurship, cultural, health programs, social activities, arts and crafts programs, dance programs, and tutorial and mentoring programs. Title V: Drug Courts - Amends the Omnibus Act to authorize the Attorney General to make grants to States, State courts, local courts, local governments, and Indian tribal governments, for programs that involve: (1) continuing judicial supervision over non violent offenders with substance abuse problems; and (2) the integrated administration of other sanctions and services which shall include mandatory periodic testing for the use of controlled substances or other addictive substances during any period of supervised release or probation for each participant, substance abuse treatment for each participant, supervised release involving the possibility of prosecution, confinement, or incarceration based on noncompliance with program requirements or failure to show satisfactory progress, and programmatic, offender management, and aftercare services such as a relapse prevention, health care, education, vocational training, job placement, housing placement, and child care or other family support services for each participant who requires such services. Makes exceptions in a criminal case, if otherwise admissible under the FRE, for evidence: (1) of specific instances of sexual behavior by the alleged victim offered to prove that a person other than the accused was the source of semen, injury, or other physical evidence; (2) of specific instances of sexual behavior by the alleged victim with respect to the person accused of the sexual misconduct offered by the accused to prove consent or by the prosecution; and (3) the exclusion of which would violate the defendant's constitutional rights. Subtitle D: Domestic Violence - Prohibits the sale or other disposal of firearms or ammunition to, or receipt of firearms or ammunition by, persons who have been convicted of offenses involving domestic abuse. Would you like to join our advisory group to work with us on the future of GovTrack? If you can, please take a few minutes to help us improve GovTrack for users like you. (Sec. (Sec. hammer act 1994 Allows a prisoner serving such a sentence, at the discretion of the Bureau of Prisons, to receive such credit if the prisoner has displayed exemplary compliance with institutional disciplinary regulations. See Falcone, supra, 135 N.J.Super. Following the 101 California Street shooting, the 1993 Waco Siege, and other high-profile instances of violent crime, the Act expanded federal law in several ways. We reverse. 30307) Authorizes appropriations. Revises such Act with respect to the use of temporary detail personnel. (Sec. at 291, 639 A.2d 1120. There, we acknowledged with approval the Falcone court's observations that not every mark or scar will be compensable as a disfigurement. Id. Title III: Crime Prevention - Subtitle A: Ounce of Prevention Council - Establishes an Ounce of Prevention Council which: (1) for any program authorized under this Act, only at the request of the Council member with jurisdiction over that program, may coordinate that program through the Council; and (2) shall be responsible for such functions as coordinated planning, development of a comprehensive crime prevention program catalogue, provision of assistance to communities and community-based organization seeking information regarding crime prevention programs and integrated program service delivery, and development of strategies for program integration and grant simplification. (Sec. 40603) Authorizes appropriations. 3220913) Amends the Federal judicial code to make sums in the DOJ Assets Forfeiture Fund available for the payment of State and local property taxes on forfeited real property. As a minor source of HAP, the facility would not be subject to section 112(j) case-by-case MACT requirements and could potentially avoid being subject to any replacement MACT regulations promulgated by U.S. EPA to replace the vacated MACT regulation. Among the proposals were tax cuts, a permanent line-item veto, measures to reduce crime and provide middle-class tax relief, and constitutional amendments requiring term limits and a balanced budget. See Pico v. State, 116 N.J. 55, 59, 560 A.2d 1193 (1989); see also Brooks, supra, 150 N.J. at 402, 696 A.2d 619 (discussing the legislative history and intent of N.J.S.A. at 145, 342 A.2d 875 (quoting Superior Mining Co. v. Industrial Comm'n, 309 Ill. 339, 141 N.E. Chapter 3: Arrest Policies in Domestic Violence Cases - Amends the Omnibus Act to authorize the Attorney General to make grants to eligible States, Indian tribal governments, or local governments to: (1) implement mandatory arrest or proarrest programs and policies in police departments with respect to domestic violence and protection order violations; (2) develop policies and training in police departments to improve tracking of cases involving domestic violence; (3) centralize and coordinate police enforcement, prosecution, or judicial responsibility for domestic violence cases in groups or units of police officers, prosecutors, or judges; (4) coordinate computer tracking systems to ensure communication between police, prosecutors, and both criminal and family courts; (5) strengthen legal advocacy service programs for victims of domestic violence; and (6) educate judges in criminal and other courts about domestic violence to improve judicial handling of such cases. Omissions? Pendulum hammers can be un-instrumented or instrumented. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) restrictions on the use of funds; and (2) reporting and recordkeeping (including access to records) requirements. WebThe third, the "Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994" was ultimately signed into law in October 1994. Contact us. Subtitle D: Coordination - Requires the Attorney General to consult with the Secretary of HHS in establishing and carrying out the substance abuse treatment and prevention components of the programs authorized under this Act in order to assure coordination of programs, eliminate duplication of efforts, and enhance the effectiveness of such services. 32094) Males certain findings and declarations regarding gun violence in schools. Chapter 1: Grants to States - Authorizes the Attorney General to make grants to States to carry out such projects, giving preference to States providing assurances such as that the State: (1) corrections and health and human services agencies will participate and cooperate closely in the development and operation of the project; (2) has a policy that provides for the placement of prisoners in correctional facilities for which they qualify that are located closest to their family homes, and (3) will follow specified guidelines in selecting prisoners to participate. 70002) Limits the authority of a court to modify an imposed term of imprisonment to include a requirement that the defendant be at least age 70 and have served at least 30 years in prison for the offense or offenses for which the defendant is currently imprisoned, and that a determination has been made by the Director of the Bureau of Prisons that the defendant is not a danger to the safety of any other person or the community. Makes an exception with respect to persons subject to the criminal jurisdiction of an Indian tribal government for any offense the Federal jurisdiction for which is predicated solely on, and which has occurred within the boundaries of, Indian country, unless the governing body of the tribe has elected that such provision have effect over land and persons subject to its criminal jurisdiction. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) limits on the use of funds (including a prohibition on using funds to provide sectarian worship or instruction); (2) application requirements; (3) eligibility of participants; and (4) the Federal share of funding. at 152, 342 A.2d 875. In Puso, we expanded these factors to include the shape, characteristics of surrounding skin, the remnants of the healing process and any other factors that might be develop[ed] as being cosmetically important on a case-by-case basis. Puso, supra, 272 N.J.Super. Hammer: Pumps and a Bump, Version This is a project of Civic Impulse, LLC. Freedom of Religion newspaper headline on a copy of the US Constitution with gavel. Title VIII: Applicability of Mandatory Minimum Penalties in Certain Cases - Amends the Federal criminal code to require the court to impose a sentencing for specified drug-related offenses pursuant to Sentencing Commission guidelines and without regard to any statutory minimum sentence, if the court finds, after the Government has been afforded the opportunity to make recommendation, that: (1) the defendant does not have more than one criminal history point and did not use violence or credible threats of violence or possess a firearm or other dangerous weapon (or induce another participant to do so) in connection with the offense; (2) the offense did to result in death or serious bodily injury to any person; (3) the defendant was not an organizer, leader, manager, or supervisor of others in the offense and was not engaged in a continuing criminal enterprise; and (4) the defendant has truthfully provided to the Government all information and evidence the defendant has concerning the offense (but the fact that the defendant has no relevant or useful other information to provide or that Government is already aware of the information shall not preclude a determination by the court that the defendant has complied with this requirement). (Sec. Modifies the prohibition against accessing a Government computer where such conduct affects the use of the Government's operation of such computer to cover only actions that "adversely" affect such use. Subtitle D: Equal Justice for Women in the Courts Act - Equal justice for Women in the Courts Act of 1994 - Chapter 1: Education and Training for Judges and Court Personnel in State Courts - Authorizes the State Justice Institute (SJI) to make grants for model programs to be used by States in training judges and court personnel in State laws, and by Indian tribes in training tribal judges and court personnel in tribal laws, governing rape, sexual assault, domestic violence, and other crimes of violence motivated by the victim's gender. 20414) Requires the Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (Administrative Office) to establish a program of drug testing of Federal offenders on post-conviction release. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) additional authorized grant projects (such as providing specialized training to officers to enhance their conflict resolution, mediation, and other skills and developing new technologies to assist State and local LEAs in reorienting the emphasis of their activities from reacting to crime to preventing crime); (2) preferential consideration of applications for certain grants; (3) technical assistance; (4) matching fund requirements; (5) application requirements (including providing a long-term strategy and detailed implementation plan and demonstrating a specific public safety need); (6) grant renewal; (7) limitation on the use of funds; (8) performance evaluation; (9) revocation or suspension of funding; and (10) access by the Attorney General and Comptroller General for audits and examinations. Sets forth provisions regarding: (1) application requirements; (2) priorities in making grants; (3) the Federal share; and (4) program evaluation. 20102) Requires: (1) 50 percent of the total amount of funds appropriated to carry out this subtitle for FY 1995 through 2000 to be made available for Truth in Sentencing Incentive Grants (to be eligible a State must demonstrate that it requires that persons convicted of violent crimes serve not less than 85 percent of the sentence imposed or meet other specified requirements); and (2) 50 percent to be available for Violent Offender Incarceration Grants. Title XI: Firearms - Subtitle A: Assault Weapons - Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act - Amends the Federal criminal code to prohibit the manufacture, transfer, or possession of a semiautomatic assault weapon (SAW) as defined or listed under this Act. We hope to make GovTrack more useful to policy professionals like you. Help us develop the tools to bring real-time legislative data into the classroom. He also sponsored bills to create a program for educating 31505) Authorizes appropriations. The motion judge concluded that plaintiff had not demonstrated she sustained a permanent loss of a bodily function or a permanent disfigurement that is substantial under N.J.S.A. Requires that each Federal court order or consent decree seeking to remedy an Eighth Amendment violation be reopened at the behest of a defendant for recommended modification at a minimum of two-year intervals.
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